Happy Teacher's Day!!!!! ^.^
Friday, August 29, 2008
So the day started off with us goin to school
then after flag raising it was ACES day progamme
so we did the dance which was boh liao hahas
then after that we went to hall for teacher's day
celebration. After that we went to class room
to get report cards ahahs i wasn't too good not
to bad too. Next we went to take bus to Tao Nan
kenneth and Kai Jun followed so they went to library
well i visited my chers...unfortunatly when i reached
there they were having lessons and this old guy
chased us down diao so i went to parkway and met
Kai Jun and Kenneth. but before that i changed first
i found them in borders. We stayed in there for while
then we went to the apple store opposite cause
kai jun wanted to new earphones. We played with the
iPhone there then kai jun took a photo of kenneth hahas
kenneth force him to delete. Next we took bus to KLP
then they bought bubble tea (the auntie there was friendly)
we went to see the anime shop then kj keep disturbing
jethro ,which we met at parkway, that he liked the shop
cause got alot of girls figurines ahahs and by that i mean
in a obscene way. We went to the arcade and played,played
and played then hui khuan came in and some guy chased
her out (the staff there was freakin unfriendly)... Hui Khuan
bought a shirt just to go in there -.- rich lah... then we met the
rest and watched wall-e :D ahhas so after show we played
more arcade hehehe then we went kfc ate then made our
way to kallang mrt long road dickson left halfway of the journey
i took mrt to orchard and went to far east plaza got my shoe :D
then went home so tired...yawn.....
~Jia An~
it's 10:43 PM now
Game - Portal
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hey all i just got the game
portal which is made my valve
the same group that made
counter strike and half-life
well wanted to get team fotress
hahas but heck it is fun
you need loads of time and patience
and they are all puzzles which exercises
alot of your mind great game i would
say ... :D
it's 10:31 PM now
Kay so today i went to school
in the morning for oral....
i got woken up by my father
who woke me up too early so
i feel back to sleep one hour
later i woke up i got changed and
went guess wad i was so early no
one i know from same session
as me was there, accept madeliene
then met desmond who came down
down from hall dunno wad he doing up
ther so went up whem my turn
so later went up then was nervous
saw Ms Kwong :D non of us got
tested by her though anyways
she tied her hair i could hardly
recongise her hehe so next after that
i went down disturb selene then felicia
help her disturb me back ahahs i irritate
her till she go home then my mum
came to fetch me brought me home
to change then went to parkway
had jack's place, next i went to see handphone
and most prob i changing it,
becase my phone speaker spoil
early october YIPPEEE i currently looking
at W980 hehehe.......... it looks lik
this -----

it's 10:20 PM now
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Today started off the day with
phototaking of class yipee hahas
so when went down for assembly
me and Kai Jun realised that we
were suppose to bring our ties
we were like SHIT!!!!!
Then Ms Liu ask as where it was
we were obviously SPEECHLESS
kay rewind...................................
did i mention we have the ties in our
bag...hahas okay so she asked us FINE
so after national anthem...we listened
to the principal making some speech
then we chiong up we realised we weren't
the only one that forgot to bring down..
(at least we didn't forget to bring it at all)
okay i have to confess that i didn't remember
about it i just FORGOT to take it out of my bag
cool right? hahas for once not remembering
something got me out of trouble yipeeee!!!
i never thought i would see the day ahhas
okay fine i would hav remembered it IF
i decide to but i told myself to leave it in
the bag so i just didn't lik tell myself to
remember anyways who wants to remember
so many stuff??? hah! bet you can't explain that
so first i rushed there my shirt was almost all
tucked out already ahahs then when i recieve
this tag thing...Selene was lik "Are you sure
they spelt your name correctly" i was lik....
no comments cause she's convinced that my name
is Jia Aw i mean wad a weir.......FINE i won't say
weird i will say VERY weir.....still not working
okay fine it is just WRONG kay why is it
JIA AW??? lols....hahas fine then next was
the fun shot some people were going mad "hanging"
on the gate of the hall's corridor on the second floor,
then they were lik "
LOLS i am
like okay....then me kj and ian were lik holding our legs
then we leaned forward acting like L hahas.............
then we went to chinese class the usual we just listened
to cher teaching understanding less then half of it
nah just kiddin it was okay lah........haahs....hmmmmm
oh next was english we had to do this personal recount which
a little stupid and i came out with a new EPIC PHRASE!!!!
lols i realised i wrote completely the wrong stuff so i had to
EPIC CORRECTION TAPE. once i correction tape half of the
thing i realised is was beyond correcting so i restarted
and i was left with 10 mins i chiong will Zhe Wei was laughing
his a*s of hahas then kj was also chionging feel so ps make
most people w8 for us but they were kind hahas at least they
stayed right :D...
after recess we had er oh yeah science and we found out
our marks for common test FINALLY guess how f*cked up i
feel now??? i missed by 1/2 MARKS FOR a1 it adds up to 50
marks so do the maths if anyone asks wad is it i will be pissed
then maths also noe the marks leh which wasn't to good either
that one i can't say *sigh* then assembly had this group of
malay musicians teaching us more about malay
music which was mostly traditional then kj was making a
joke when they were coming out he was lik hahas it will
be funny if one guys comes out with and electronic guitar
then he started talking to jethro about some other stuff
then i was lik omg....i lik shaking him and then pointing
towards the stage he was lik omg guess wad................
there was seriously this guy with an electronic guitar ahahs
cool right then we went down waited kj,ian,weng tuck
fall in finish then went get a drink at some video shop
then went home....
i quickly bathed as water was going to get cut off for
some cleaning thing.....for 1 and a half hour lols
i lay on my bed readin "Slam" by Nick Hornby
yes his name sounds wrong but his
books are nice...a bit sick in the mind but nice
then i soon fell asleep i read till lik 130 leh
oh and Andrea OWNED YOU she's
still at page 30+ when we started at the same time
and madeliene is dunno how far leh lah owned andrea
too hahas...well now typing oh and i watched
"The Benchwarmers" its kinda nice show has
many values so yeah you shoudl watch now i am hear
blogging gonna wash up and sleep soon byes!!!!
~Jia An~
it's 7:01 AM now
Sunday, August 17, 2008
super fun today com club ahahs disturbing selene whole
day...hey! she started influencing me who was apparently
not high to become high!.... actually she said it was hui khuan
so hui khuan started it indirectly...hahas i keep calling her
her name in a different way which now is not probably the
best time to say if not she get angry i mati...hahahas.........
And Sam please stop you goin WAY OVERBOARD..... lik
typing the name on powerpoint with every kind of word art
and then take photo -.- evil i say evil ahahs then she started
hiding under the table ( unusual huh?) see hui khuan how
you high-ness drives people under the table literally under
the table actually indirectly but directly i'm to blame...... w8
is this some kind of scheme to lik sabotage me or something?
Don't deny...lols i feel like i am answering myself....................
then she went through lost and found stuff..wads the matter with
you people?!?!??!?!?!? the she took the stupid marker with
you no the cute little stamp...AR!!! whos cares she took the marker
with a stamp on one side and the marker on the other then stamped
on me stupid small cute faded funny weird dolphin....hahas
then we were planing sec 4 farewell and in the end decided to
go to kallan leisure park and catch a movie which was kinda cool
well byes....
it's 1:55 AM now
Friday, August 15, 2008

Yes this screwed up tests are finally over...most of it alot of people screwed it up but well can't be undone so sianz ahahs want to comment on how sick hui khuan is you well i don't know who started it on the tag box but still it is sick
it's 4:36 AM now
Well today is the last day of common tests yippeeee!!!!!!!
Yeah lit was kinda screwed up but i find it weird why can't then
just name the questions for lit lik 1,2,3,4, etc why is it 1a,b,c,d,
i mean it's so damn extra and with only ONE question kay forget
i think i am the only one realising it hahas well so today
after school Ian,Kai Jun,Wen Tuck and I went to Katong Shopping
Mall during the break before cca ...On the way there we were lik
talking about how our friends *ahem* runs lik some kinda of
naruto wannabe----FREAKS ahahs lik then kj was talking
bout his primary school frens play wad naruto catching crap
then we were lik next time olimpics people will run lik naruto
and we said that is swimmers lik swam like the 'Naruto style"
they would like hav to wear some stupid jumpsuit when they swim.
Trust me kj can go into show biz(good actor).i had duck noodles which
apparently was nice ahahs weng tuck had duck rice kj and ian got
chicken rice then we were comparing which one was more worth it
while weng tuck was already eating half of his food away already
we were lik HAH! mine has spring onion and i bet 70% of things we
said were not even related to food in fact the i think the only think
about food that we compared was the soup,spring onions and the
leaf thing that they always put on top of the dish to make it look nice
other then that we were just bickering like there was no tomorow
but we finished much earlier then we planned...We even had the time
hit ians spoon when he was trying to drink the soup making him look
lik some idiot how does not know how to use the spoon and only able
to drink lik a freakin small sip...we put the corn on his plate and poured
chilli and who lot of other things no one can imagine...in fact i don't too
yeah then me and kai jun wanted to drink bandung but then ian and
weng tuck ZOOM!!!!!!!!! off without w8-ing for us tsk tsk okay fine
i exagerate but still they walked away without...k fine they just didn't
agree to wait for us... so we no choice follow them to bubble tea...
in the end me and kai jun bought on cup and shared guess wad it was
banana and strawberry...WOW it had...a unique taste....VERY UNIQUE
but quite okay at least i enjoyed i think kai jun didn't but he just didn't
want to say he was lik okay lah okay lah so i believe him ^.^ yeah then
we walked back to tk...on the way they saw their scouts senior and he said
he needed to go chase back some people ahhas reminds me of lik the
cow gatherer or something ahahs then on the way out we were talking
about durians can u believe it DURAINS yeap everythign about it
then we were lik fihgting over lik whether there was such things as dry durians
ahahs kj like durian puffs oh SO random....hahas then went back biggest joke is
me and kj shared the drink and when reach school lik wad weng tuck and ian
had when they WALKED OUT OF THE STORE and they both had their own
plus they both finished it while me and kj lik left FULL fine not full, 3/4 full
yeah happy now critics? *COUGH*ARE *COUGH* FA ...sorry i hav a bad "cough"
it's 1:29 AM now
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Heys just wanna take the chance to wish everyone good luck for common tests this week.!!! Jia yous...
it's 6:05 AM now
~Jia An~
it's 6:04 AM now
New Blog
Hey everyone once i again i changed my blog :D why? unlike I*n i don't change my blog because i haven't update it for some time and too lazy to update so just create new one nope i created it back on blogger cause i found it ...like i used to it lah so well enjoy
it's 6:02 AM now