Lols Crysis : Warhead graphics kick ass man hahas
here are some screenies i took...

Lols another one comes hahas

Lols i killed that a**hole hahas =P

PSL training left me with mixed feelings ><
to me i find it was kind too long
yet i found it quite fun as i got to meet many new friends
so first day mostly orientation la.....then dickson
didn't come so the only person i know in my group
is desmond ^.^
then our mentor i found him very fun.............
cause he plays dj max ><
he's very good at it too much better than me...hahas
he can play 8 buttons okay.....
his name is joel and he just finished army next year going
university hahas he plays quite a number of games too
so ya la...got stuff to talk to him about....
then next day dickson also never come but i think
second the the games were quite fun specifcally the
cateplilar walk....it took so long that on my way there
i was playing games(pac man) on my phone
i think our group was the fastest to crawl under the table
no offense...hahas
next quite fun also we like hadda right our thoughts on the
huge paper and ours were 0.1% words 99.9% doodles

okay maybe i said to too exagerated
yay group five rocks ><