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Saturday, January 31, 2009
woke up at like 9...then replied

andrea's sms...then later went

back to sleep woke up at 9:15

replied again....then like slept 5

mins more hahahha then woke up

washed up,changed,and then started

walking to the bus stop... met andrea

then waited for hui khuan and dickson

dickson said he will be 15 mins late

hui khuan said she will be late.....

then hui khuan came first my back

facing the road side she wacked my

back as soon as she got down da bus

diaos.... then we waited for dickson lik

30 mins :X i just found it challenging

to sit down one da higher chair at the

bus stop ahhahah soooo fun to balance :D

then later dickson ended up going into

andrea's apartment there hahahaha

so we walked then...oh ya before that

hui khuan "sms-ed dickson to tell him

to meet there" with my phone..........

she end up reading my message then i

keep trying to get back in the end she

saw some girl's name that start with "A"

she jsut made up and Ai-shaa i dun even

know how to spell SECOND TIME first

time crap i like some lily which i never ever

known in my life...

so we walked then she sooo despo get my

phone you know wad she did? hahahah

she sms-ed me this "gimme ur phone"

so that i would take out my phone hahah

i fell for it...well anyone would you wouldn't

know who sent to you unless you take out

ur phone....well other people dun have this

problem as they dun hav someone trying

to snatch their phones badly away from

them ==''

so it was a longgggg walk cause hui khuan

was tickling me till i fell to da ground ==''

lols btw OUCH!

so we walked there then met Selene at

(suppose to be mac's) but then somewhere

at the park there la hahahah

so me and selene rented bikes while

andrea and dickson followed hui khuan

to rent her skates hahhaha

then we waited for them like dunno how long

so we cycled down wtih dickson first hahaha

then we ended up at carl's junior

where hui khuan had a MAJOR problem

going up da slope hahahha

she was like hold me and selene all the way up

then we were lik you knoe those like rides where

you seat in the thing then they ride you

around? (i suddenly can't remember da name)

haha he practically "dragged" her up

hahhaha then at carls junior hui khuan

had a hard time finishing her burger

cause she didn't like having "dots" on

her patty!!! HAHAHHAHA andrea and

selene were like listing a list of explanation

to make her feel better ! and eat finish her


then we were lik going back then dickson fell :(

so i being a kind soul SPRINTED BACK TO DA BIKE


reach back panting... they said dun needa liaoo

you know wads a call?!?!?!??!?!??!

diaos so me and selene sprinted back to bike shop

cause only got 8 mins then ended up reaching

there in 2 mins hahahha she challenge me

i won abit then later got this guy in da path

so only got space for one bike to past da passage

.... it was on her side hahhahahha but i ended up

earlier i think :D hahhahahhah notice the

"i think" so correct me if i'm wrong hahahha

then we went to parkway parade i was like

sweating la then we took the bus there

so first we went to da toilet hahhahahha

then we were like jokin hui khuan brought

shampoo to bath and use the toilet bowl

to wash her hair hahhahhaha....not too bad

an idea ya know hahhahha...someone try

tell me wad happens :D

then we went mintoons... we bought lollipop

for weng mun bday then refunded and got him

a cute burger lunchbox hahahah ohs selene

broke some egg thing lucky egg crap and

had to paid like 4 bucks aww.... hahahahha

then we went to some other shop to look

for arefa's present then didn't find....

went back minitoons(the mini bits thing)

then didn't find so they went to the "diva"

shop or something while me and dickson went

royal sporting house/world of sport i forgot

look for shoe bag

we found all too cheap looking hahha so we

went to the the other sports shop....

we didn't find so we went opposite the

other shop and didn't find anything so we went

to the travel shop thingy hahah then in the end

got johnny's present which is -SHHH-

hahhaha i doubt he will even be reading this

hahaha...then yea we went banquet and dickson

bought hokien mee( i forgot how spell fail la)

then we ended up all take from him hahahah poor

dickson.... so i got bandung then dickson got

i forgot then if i'm right the rest shared ribena

cause andrea didn't want milo hahahahha then mee

ended up all over the table hahahha so we went home

after that... k i gonna sleep now

will post about chingay some other time!!!!!

it's 8:27 AM now

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Hey ALL so long never blog already

well... hmm let's see....

erm taking care of sec 1 wad fun :D

and then most of the students in my

class are nice... taking care of 1B now.


(yes i know my post has many dots)

theres been quite alot of schoolwork

but actually not alot lar...it's like cher

give all at one go...so yea other then

that hardly any like today...hmm only

got a few homework :D hahaha anyways

tomorow having a half day cause the

school claims for good result..............

cheat us lor :( half day other school get

whole day...somemore fridays end at 12.45

normally then now end at 10.00-10.30

not much a diff...but still haha kinda ohkay

with that :D

and i heard theres a class outing this saturday

i'm not sure...lols...i am kinda in a bad mood

right now...for some reason...hahahaha............

anyways going parkway later....AGAIN

yesyesyes i know...AGAIN..........

i will go see if they still have Gears of Wars 1

cause producer says they will not be getting

GoW 2 for the PC 

"Gears of War is a great franchise first and foremost for Xbox 360, and therefore we're focusing on that platform for Gears of War 2. We've decided we're not going to do a PC version this time around."

.... sad huh.... they would

realise they would be losing alot leh............

so yea i can't wait that long for them to change

their mind :D... anyways last time it took slightly

more than one year for pc verson to come out

so if this time they say they not doing then

it would take even LONGER... i have a life.....

kk i think i better go ohohoh and my L4D

is working now...though it freakin RESTARTS

LOL NOOOO..........i can't even past da first level haha

P.S. i not in a bad mood cause of GoW2 not coming to pc
        some other reason :(

it's 12:45 AM now

Yo, Jia An here And Welcome to my blog
Birthday : 15 July Male

--Favourite Artistes
++FM Static
++Cute is What We Aim For,
++Boys Like Girls,
++Panic At The Disco,
++We The Kings,
++Plain White T's,
++The Click Five,
++Chris Brown,
++Leona Lewis,
++Lady Gaga
++All American Rejects
++Simple Plan,
++Secondhand Serenade
++Relient K
++Linkin Park
++Lily Allen
++Jamee Morrison
++Avenged Sevenfold
++Story of the Year
++The Academy Is
++Green Day
TeeKayOneAayeZeroEight ClassBlog ^^
Hui Khuan
Jia Li
Weng Tuck



MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009

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